Pelvic Floor Functions & Problem – What You Need to Know

Pelvic Floor Functions & Problem – What You Need to Know

May 11, 2020

Talking about the genitals of the human reproductive organ is still a taboo for a lot of people. However, it can lead to misinformation or lack of knowledge about the human body’s important functions.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the body’s pelvic floor—where you find it, what it does, and what are the common pelvic problems people encounter.

Pelvic Floor: What is it?

The pelvis is found between the abdomen and the legs. This area contains the bladder and the human’s reproductive organs. It serves as a support for the intestine and the rest of the upper body. Without the pelvis, there will be no support in transferring the body weight from the upper body to the lower limbs.

The pelvic floor is what you call the group of muscles, ligaments, and other tissues that are found at the bottom of the pelvis. All the organs found in the pelvis—the urethra for the bladder, the anus for the bowel, and the vagina for the uterus—have openings that pass through the pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor’s function and importance

The pelvic floor has several functions to the human body:

1. Helps you stand upright

The pelvic floor works with your diaphragm, spine, and hip muscles to stabilize your body. It allows you to stand straight, sway your body, and walk.

2. Supports the organs found in the pelvis

As mentioned earlier, the pelvic floor is found at the bottom of the pelvis. Its location allows physical support to the human body’s colon, rectum, and bladder. It also supports the vagina, cervix, and uterus for the female body.

3. Supports the lymphatic system

Your body’s lymphatic system is in charge of getting rid of the toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials, including the excess fluids that are flushed away by the arteries. It needs the movement of muscles, like the pelvic floor, to squeeze them out of the vessels.

4. Provides continence

The pelvic floor helps open and close the human body’s bladder and rectum when one needs to pee or poop. It helps allow the body to control these functions whenever necessary.

5. Enhances sexual sensation

The same muscle control you have when preventing a pee is the same muscle that contracts and releases when experiencing orgasm. Since this muscle can be controlled, you can work on it to intensify the sensation you feel during sexual interaction.

Common problems with pelvic floor

There are cases when the pelvic floor muscles become too tight or too loose and weak. That happens due to various reasons.

Tight pelvic floor

A tight pelvic floor is experienced when the muscles hold too much stress or anxiety, which are usually caused by sexual abuse or trauma. It can also be caused by other organs in your pelvis. Since many organs are located above the pelvic floor, when one of them gets irritation, it can immediately affect the nearby organs, resulting in overly tight pelvic floor muscles.

When a pelvic floor gets too tight, the person may experience pain called the pelvic or tailbone pain. It can affect your hips, bowel, and bladder function, as well as your sexual experience.

Loose pelvic floor

A loose pelvic floor can result from stress, incontinence, or experiencing too much pressure that the muscles can’t handle. Other causes of it are pregnancy, lack of exercise, obesity, and age.

Because the muscles get weak, it cannot support the pelvic organs fully. These organs may be pushed or shift due to this. People with a loose pelvic floor will have less control when peeing or pooping, regularly experience lower back muscle pain, and have difficulty in reaching climax during sex.


Understanding what a pelvic floor is, where it is located, and how it functions can help you recognize if you’re experiencing any pelvic problem. Since many factors can affect your pelvic muscles’ condition, it is best to consult with a doctor. Doing so will help you determine the real cause and learn the right therapy or exercise to perform to strengthen your muscles.

Need an expert opinion about your pelvic condition? Our team of urologists in New Jersey is always ready to help. Request an appointment with us today!

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