
Telemedicine is now being offered to new and existing patients.


During this stressful time, normal problems that we as Urologists can sometimes take a back seat to the current stress of the COVID – 19 Pandemic. Patients then end up using online services that are staffed by non-specialist physicians or allied providers.  Worse, patients then end up going to Urgent Care which usually ends up with a referral to our office.   But these problems can be troublesome, uncomfortable, sometimes painful and dangerous. That’s why we want to make ourselves available to you!

With this in mind, University Urology Associates of New Jersey (UUANJ) has developed a solution that protects both our patients and our staff. UUANJ is now offering telemedicine services during this national health emergency. Telemedicine can be done through the comfort of your home allowing your physician to provide a “virtual” visit through your phone or computer.

Most major insurances including Medicare have allowed access to telemedicine services, and major insurance companies have waived referrals and copay fees and obligations. However, we ask that you please check with your insurance provider as it relates to your individual situation.

How To Schedule a Virtual /Telehealth Visit
Call to schedule an appointment and inform the doctor’s office that you are interested in scheduling a virtual visit.

We will continue to provide best-in-class urologic care for our patients while taking preventative measures to help contain the community spread of this virus. Together, we will get through these challenging times.

Please complete the Request a Virtual Visit form to learn more about our telehealth services or to schedule a virtual visit.

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