4 Signs of Common Urologic Diseases for Men – What to Know

4 Signs of Common Urologic Diseases for Men – What to Know

Aug 04, 2020

Your parents might have given you the talk about the birds and the bees, but did they even mention urology? Hopefully, they did because that is the particular branch that deals with the urinary tract and your male reproductive system.

With that in mind, how do you know that it’s high time you see a urologist?

This article discusses the clinical signs and symptoms in urology common among males and what you need to keep an eye out for. That’s because you can have common urological diseases that you are only recently learning about. This leads to chronic discomfort in your downstairs area, plus it can lead to more severe medical complications in the future.

Urine Troubles

By far, the most common way to look into your urological health is in the way you pee and what comes out. There are three main urine-centric signs to look out for: painful urination, frequent or difficulty peeing, and visible blood in the urine. Let’s take a moment to break down each one.

Painful urination can mean a lot of things for a urologist. It can mean something relatively mild, like an easily treatable bacterial infection. However, it can also be a sexually transmitted disease like genital herpes or chlamydia. It’s important to rule out these common urological diseases with immediate treatment and prescribed medication.

Another tall-tale sign is either frequent urination or difficulty in peeing. As compared to the previous sign, this medical condition may not be as serious unless it is painful or giving you discomfort. Urologists say that the factor behind this is your diet, lifestyle, or simply just your age. Luckily, there are treatments to normalize this.

Lastly, the most serious sign is blood in the urine. This is a common indicator of early developing bladder or kidney cancer. Urologists strongly urge male patients with this condition to seek immediate care. They will undergo a series of medical tests such as a CT scan, X-ray, and cystoscopy to find abnormalities in the bladder or kidney.

If you have any of the following urinary problems, it’s best to consult early and rule out the common urological diseases.

Irregularities with Your Kidney

Related to urinary problems and pain is seeing possible abnormalities in the kidney. It can be inflamed or contain kidney stones that lead to painful urination. Although urologists may not be kidney specialists like a nephrologist, they are still crucial as they understand the urinary tract and overall functionality of the kidney.

Abnormalities in the Prostate

Another related organ urologists look into is your prostate, an organ located between the penis and the bladder. In your 40s, expect to get an exam to check whether you have prostate cancer. They can also run a prostate-specific antigen test for earlier detection prior to hitting 40. This is crucial because early detection is the key to effectively avoid this kind of cancer.

Performance Problems with Your Penis

If you come short in the bedroom due to erectile dysfunction, your local urologist can help you. Additionally, they can rule out other sexually transmitted infections and diseases that often lead to pain in the genital region.

Aside from sexual performance, these may actually be more worrying signs of other diseases like cardiovascular troubles, renal failure, and rising hypertension. Your urologist can prescribe you medicines to curb these issues and also direct you to the right medical professionals for a more holistic approach to treatment.


The key to better male health is starting with your local urologist. If you are experiencing the aforementioned medical conditions or simply are curious about it, consult with them immediately and be a healthier you!

Are you in need of the best urologist in New Jersey? We are UUANJ, your professional team of medical experts specializing in both male and female urology. Consult with us today and better your overall health!

“All content found on the UUANJ.COM Website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately.”

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