What’s Wrong With My Pee? A Guide to Peeing Problems

What’s Wrong With My Pee? A Guide to Peeing Problems

Sep 14, 2020

Have you ever experienced a peeing problem? Because you have to do more than simply letting it pass, urination trouble and the quality of your urine can be key indicators of deeper medical complications. The next time you head to the toilet to pee, you may want to take note of a few things.  

This guide is here to help you consider your urine and urination as a means to check your internal health and wellbeing. First, we will discuss the common peeing problems you may experience and their commonly associated medical issues. We will then talk about the tips you need to consider to address your pee-related problem. 

Common Problematic Peeing Conditions

Peeing issues are mainly related to the bladder and kidneys, but they may also be connected to other parts of the body. Concern yourself with the following common problems to better understand healthy urine and urination: 

  • Wetting the bed

Bedwetting is a common problem among children, but some adults also experience it. Usually, wetting the bed can easily be associated with drinking a lot of water before bedtime and not waking up in time to go to the bathroom. However, it may also be an indication of more complex medical issues. 

Bedwetting can be an indicator of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It can also be linked to a structural issue with the nervous or excretory system. Mostly, the bladder is the issue here, as it may be smaller than normal. A visit to the urologist will help you better understand the reason behind your bed wetting. 

  • Painful urination

Urinating with a burning sensation around the penis or vagina is also another common problem. This is more associated with sexually active people, since this pain is also attributed to transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea. 

Painful urination can also be a result of a UTI. Fortunately, antibiotics are available to ease the pain. However, the root of the problem may also have something to do with the kind of soap or bathing solution you are using. Certain chemicals can irritate your penis and vagina, which can lead to painful urination. To be sure, it’s best to visit a urologist to effectively rule out the cause of the pain. 

  • Blood in urine 

The presence of blood in your pee is a worrying sight since it can be attributed to more serious UTIs and viral bladder infections. Your liver and kidneys may also be affected. In some cases, blood in the pee can also mean a reaction to something you took, like a type of medication or drink. However, you cannot know for sure. It’s best to immediately seek urological advice to see where the blood is coming from and what caused it to appear in your urine. 

Tips for Peeing Problems

If you encounter any of the previously mentioned peeing problems, take note of the following tips to address them: 

  • Seek medical help from a urologist immediately

When it comes to addressing your general peeing problems, the first medical professional you need to call is a urologist. They are specialists in the excretory system, specifically the bladder, kidneys, and the male or female reproductive systems. 

Urologists can provide you with the right medication to help ease the pain or frequency of your urination. They can also recommend you go through a series of tests to better assess and address the root of your urine problem. 

  • Revisit what you ate and drank

There are usually dietary reasons that can be related to why you are having problems with your urination. For example, you may have been drinking too much coffee, which will often result in you frequently peeing. 

Your daily routine may also contribute to this, like when you do extreme exercises that can encourage you to drink too much water. Consider the previous things you consumed and their amounts. You can also use this as a means to better inform your urologist about your condition. 


Peeing-related problems are an inconvenience, but thankfully, there are ways to address them immediately. Additionally, there are key contributing factors that you can look into. If you want to get the appropriate help for your peeing problems, seek professional medical advice today!  

Keep your body in check with us at UUANJ, your team of the best urologists in New Jersey. We can help you debunk the common myths behind urine and provide factual medical advice to better your health. Book your next check-up with us today! 

Disclaimer: All content found on the UUANJ.COM Website, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately

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